
Hi, I'm Jonathan! I'm a
Front End Developer

A picture of me

More Info

In my previous jobs, I've worked on many client websites tailoring and optimizing through custom code. I've handled client tickets to update and create new web pages, worked closely with programmers and designers in a team setting, created emails using Litmus, and built out landing pages with submission forms. I have experience with CMS such as Wordpress, Sitecore, Strapi, and page builders. I'm fluent in HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and have some experience writing in Jquery, PHP, and React. I also have experience in creating custom emails for marketing purposes using email platforms such as Mailchimp, Litmus, Constant Contact.

The Mx Group ∙ October 2019 - April 2024
Front End Developer I
  • Managed, updated, and redesigned 10+ client websites via HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP.
  • Worked in a suite of CMS platforms. Wordpress, Sitecore, Strapi.
  • Version control systems. (Git, GitKraken, GitHub, SourceTree)
  • Email development, Landing pages, Form submissions.
  • Experience working with small and large teams in a Agile Scrum framework
Atkore International (via The Creative Group) ∙ October 2018 - March 2019
Digital Marketing Contractor
  • Restructured several client websites through editing custom Wordpress themes.
  • Edited and scheduled daily post on major social media platform accounts.
  • Created emails from templates and writing html for quarterly emails.
  • Worked closely with digital marketing manager to meet deadlines for several projects.
  • QA testing for newly designed websites.
Lifecycle Digital Marketing ∙ April 2018 - July 2018
Web Developer Intern
  • Worked with different clients to keep websites updated and accurate on a weekly basis.
  • Worked closely with design, development and marketing team to constantly meet project deadlines.
  • Adapted to multiple Content Management Systems to fit client preferences and needs.
  • Created customer code using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap for client websites and emails templates.
Yolobe Inc. ∙ October 2017 - March 2018
Social Networking Intern
  • Administrated workforce agency network and worked closely with case managers and their clients.
  • Metrics, monitored and gathered statistical data relating to users, networks, and views.
  • Find, edit, and post job opportunities to workforce agency networks in Yolobe social media app.
  • Created marketing pieces for promoting Yolobe social media app and associated events.
  • Offered support to all users who may have questions or problems within the app.

Work Samples



Linkedin: LinkedIn

Resume: PDF Link